& based
in munich
so feel free
to mistake it for
book with a beer


Design: Martin Steiner
stranger world by FotoDoks 2013
Festival für aktuelle
dokumentarische Fotografie
AWR _ martin steiner
Achtung ?! by FotoDoks 2012
Festival für aktuelle
dokumentarische Fotografie
Bureau Mirko Borsche/ Ben Froggatt
Jakob und die schönen Frauen by Martin Fengel
design: Herburg Weiland
book look book by Jörg Koopmann
design: Keller Maurer Design
Born in Brennen* by Jörg Koopmann
Design: Thomas Mayfried
Wide Island by Alexander Ziegler
design: Abc&D – Manuel Trüdinger
unglaublich-incredibile Fotodoks Munich catalog
design: Mirko Borsche
Holiday Books by Martin Fengel
design: herburg weiland
Not sure, where ... by Jörg Koopmann
design: Thomas Mayfried
cat seen by Jörg Koopmann
Design: Mirko Borsche



oh euphoria,
make some noooiiisseeee
shoot the rockets
beirut celebrates that friendly foreigner
and his nice publication he dedicated to that libanese gem:

jens schwarz:
beirut 8-13
now available!!!

order two copies, one for you, one for a friend.
spread good news and things….


Maljadeed? Follow these three gentlemen!!!

whispering quietly through the grey beard:
a new publication is about to be published

available very very soooonnn

these three serious camou-gentlemen might have already first copys in their suitcase,
but we´ll have many more copys coming up!

preorder right away, as its going to be good as ever
or come back in a few days to get more infos and images next to the order button!.



bwab works on a future section for children photo books.
jusepe de ribera will make the illustrations or at least cover images.
stay tuned

parts of the CAT SEEN book was once a series in
Zeit Magazin for a whole year, each week showing a new animal in the center of the image.
Zeit Magazin called the project “ Tier im Mittelpunkt”, the full series in the book is named `naked forest´.
We still have copys available of CAT SEEN.
Here is a recent version, the “Tier in meinem Mittelpunkt” in my parents garden:


photo book fairs everywhere!! here a fangroup lining up to get a copy of a book with a beard

Martin Fengel: “Jacob und die schönen Frauen”
von Daniel Völzke 24.02.2012 in Monopol:

… “Martin Fengel “Jacob und die schönen Frauen”, 2012, Coutesy Martin Fengel 2012
Er schleicht sich heran, verspricht die unwahrscheinlichsten Dinge, verteilt Komplimente, Handküsse oder schelmische Blicke. Hätte Heinz Rühmann einmal den Don Juan geben müssen, es hätte in etwa so ausgesehen wie in der Bilderserie, die der Münchner Fotograf Martin Fengel in einem schmalen Heft mit dem Titel „Jacob und die schönen Frauen“ veröffentlicht – es ist das dritte Heft einer Reihe von Magazinen, die Fengel seit 2011 produziert. Die Aufnahmen von Partys in Göttingen, Berlin und München zeigen immer wieder einen seligen Jacob, umgeben von wechselnden Frauen, die mal skeptisch, mal belustigt, mal herzlich, mal überrascht auf den Charmeur reagieren.
Großartig auch die Männer ab und an im Hintergrund, die ihre Felle davonschwimmen sehen und schnell die Hand nach der Freundin ausstrecken, bevor Jacob sie mitreißt in ein aufregenderes Leben. Kann es sein, dass hier jemand diesen metaphysischen Blick auf die Frauen hat, den Peter Handke in seinem Buch „Don Juan“ beschreibt und der allen Anwesenden guttut? „Ein Blick, der mehr und noch anderes erfasste als sie da allein, der über sie hinausging und sie so sein ließ.“…

this sweet bearded friend was a nice comment by anna dasovic to bwab.
anna was part of this years plat(t)form 2012 at fotomuseum winterthur.
a very rich format to meet and see works of younger european artists/photographers, as its more like a public portfolio presentation and review, kind of a fair on tables, an that informal way is a nice and easy way to dive into works that are rare to see. some works exist as books already and are accessible, (very contemporary aka hip), and to be honest, the guys who got those little stars by the experts jury after the weekend did publish amazing works! niels is just so incerdible good in his works, the chinese and italien series exist as books and are outstanding in its approach to storytelling and documenting. very happy to see that work mr stomps!!. i missed andy sewell, but the book is sold out for a good reason but luckily very well documented on his homepage. very british, very charming, very precise.
but back to anna, her work might be published as a book someday (if dutch funding does not collapse too much..) and it would be a remarkable work. anna presented a work that seems very historic and is based on archives, but the content, the concept, the presentation (foldable book/posters as on small image), all that is very attractive to follow her research on a special story: its about the traces of soldiers that were washed ashore of a small dutch (ex german ) island in 2nd worldwar and are burried on the island, and so create a unique international war-cemmetary that still exists. and so we can follow almost 100 portraits /biographys, and it all feels so little like history lesson but like storys of human struggle/respect/dreams/destiny etc that has a timeless quality.sorry for sloppy description of details…
so thats my little review to platform (all online) and a link to the bearded dog photo.
finally: forget about stars/credits/competition, thats oldschool!
look at all the works and pick the ones you like, such as all these fresh german versions of documentary photography that give a toss about most german dogmas and ´classics`, e.g. arne schmitt and alexander ziegler´s wonderful work! by coincidence the first fractions of a massive pile of supernice, straight, sensitive and smart images from hiroshima are available/published as a book with a beard: have a look and order “wide island” by mr ziegler! i hope for a comprehensive thick book-version of that work one day, its just so pleasant to follow him through the streets! just click publications…

anna dasovic and niels stomp at plat(t)form 2012

todays comment about booklookbook by a friend:
“highly idiosyncratic. grossartig!”

danke an julian baumann für diese spezielle version von bookwithabeard.
woher das bild kommt wissen wir beide nicht.

happy birthday to a bearded man.
und alle so: peace

the new book look book with all its healing forces! now mom is back home from hospital and the books as well. thats good bearded news.
order the new book look book now and cure your pains!

Levi Miller, Johnny und Lester Mullet: Ihre Fotos gingen um die Welt, nachdem sie Anfang Oktober im Zusammenhang mit einer Reihe mysteriöser nächtlicher Überfälle vorübergehend festgenommen wurden. In möglicherweise mehr als sechs Fällen sollen sie andere Amish überfallen und ihnen unter körperlichem Zwang die Bärte abrasiert haben.

the tallest bart in mjunik town
with his elevated desk

on my own behalf and about a shaved sparkling book:

Winner of Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2012
Categorie Fotobildbände / Winning Title GOLD
Hatje Cantz Verlag
Sight-_Seeing: Bildwürdigkeit und Sehenswürdigkeit
„In Tirol“ oder „Entscheidungen zum Bild der touristischen Landschaft“
Photographers:Michael Danner/ Dominik Gigler/
Monika Höfler/ Verena Kathrein/
Jörg Koopmann/ Andrew Phelps/ MatthiasZiegler
Design and Publisher: Wolfgang Scheppe

Jurys statement in german:
Dieses Projekt ist eine unwahrscheinlich gelungene Sache: die Tirol Werbung hat sich darauf eingelassen,
sieben profilierte Fotografen ohne jede Vorgabe loszuschicken – nachdem beide Seiten sich bei einem
theoretischen Workshop ausgiebig beschnuppert hatten.
Die eine Hälfte vom Ergebnis ist dieses Buch. Darin hat Wolfgang Scheppe, der als Philosoph, Künstler,
Kurator und Marketing-Fachmann arbeitet, seine Auswahl getroffen. Die andere Hälfte besteht aus den
Bildern, die die Tirol Werbung für ihre Zwecke ausgesucht hat. Aber auch so ist Sight-_Seeing ein extrem
gehaltreiches Buch. Die zum großen Teil exzellente Fotografie spricht für sich, das vertrackte Layout
entpuppt sich bei angemessener Neugierde als geistreiches Arrangement, und einige fabelhafte Texte
bereiten die beste Sorte Vergnügen, nämlich intelligentes.

more at:
Highlights from the second-annual gathering of under-the-radar publishers
By John Mahoney on November 14, 2011
“Born in Brennen*” is another Koopmann Book With a Beard from 2009, this one spanning several projects and geographical areas. The photos depict, quietly, how a climate of military conflict colors and subtly transforms our immediate surroundings.

vegetarian friends, mr ziegler and bambi-san

quote of the month comes from fabulous general manager of obook publisher:
answer to the question `if there is a obook phone number in paris´? was:
i also have a website in paris..

and bookwithabeard is now happy to announce that it has a brand new website in brazzaville, sofia, hiroshima, homer/alaska, mysore, norrebro, cologne, esbjerg, hamburg, zürich, venice, prenzlau mountain, abensberg, beirut, porto, tel aviv, san francisco, mjunik and some other places now or soon. and a phone in munich.
